
R&D program


Compile and disseminate the resultats of dieback studies 

Keywords : data gathering, capitalisation, vine declines, observatory

RECAP&DEP project, leading by Céline Abidon (IFV Alsace), was accepted on 5 May 2020 for a one year period. He aims to list, to compile and to disseminate the results of dieback studies, carry out at national level.

This first year, the project will be in testing phase about one or two PNDV themes, in order to validate the concept. The data will be collected from differents partners in the wine-growing structure : the Agriculture Room, the IFV, the Interprofession and other technicals organizations. Collective data management will be preferred to centralise and homogenize the results for each wine region. The main goal is to capitalise on the results from several regions, protocols, individual conclusions in order to enhance the recommendation, and to inform the winegrowers on the answers to the problems of decline. This pooling of data will also have the advantage of attesting or not the need to carry out additional trials as well as new projects.




Céline Abidon
vine material (grape variety, vine...) plant quality soil, root ecosystem Grape trunk disease Grapevine fanleaf virus /other Xylella, other bacterias Flavescence dorée physiological process environmental stress viticulture practices accidental causes